Improved efficiency = improved profit

Improving your FCE by just 0.1 could be worth as much as £50k on an average 500 sow unit

Our HIPP programme (Harbro Index Pig Performance) enables producers to assess their performance on a number of factors, including FCE, and gives them an indexation figure relating to efficiency.

Beyond the simple indexation figure, the database can be interrogated or cross referenced to ascertain what combination of factors are the best performing e.g. genotype, feed type, health regime, site size etc to maximise both physical and financial performance.

There are two platforms available, one designed for finishing batch systems and the other for continuous flow breeder systems.

Iain Lyle, our Monogastric Technical Manager who designed the program said “We’re very lucky to be working with some of the UK’s leading producers helping them centralise and interrogate their data to bring about improvements within their businesses. The sheer scale and throughput of some of the larger producers is so vast that having a central platform to analyse KPIs is essential. The insight HIPP gives us is enabling businesses to make even small incremental changes to the management of their systems which in turn is making huge differences to their overall performance and profitability.  We are very excited about the opportunity that HIPP offers not only to individual producers looking to improve but to the industry as a whole with the benchmarking capability enabling the sector to move forward collectively as it strives to optimise efficiency and in turn profitability.”

Our team of pig specialists operating across the UK can help you assess the efficiency of your business using HIPP and make recommendations to improve efficiency and profit.

For more information get in touch: Iain Lyle: 07484 628026 /


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