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Keeping your yard healthy and hygienic this winter doesn’t have to be difficult – this winter horse care checklist will help you plan ahead and maintain a clean, safe environment for your horse.
We are delighted to announce we have been awarded 'Multiple Store of the Year' at the National SQP Awards, recognising excellence in animal health and welfare.
Read our latest Beef Update packed with farm stories, practical advice and product info for the season ahead
Andrew MacKay achieved an extra 250g/head/day introducing Alkacid to the ration
Discover how to manage your horse's weight during winter with expert tips to keep your equine friend healthy through the colder months.
Will Kirby has achieved improved daily liveweight gain and grading on Maxammon barley from our Maxammon hub in York
With first cut silages being lower in nutritional value this year it is essential that you have levels checked and rations reviewed in order to maintain dairy performance.
Winter feeding needn’t be a complicated or confusing part of horse care/management and hopefully the below tips will assist in helping you to plan ahead
Our Milk Monitor programme helps to monitor the efficiency and profitability of your dairy herd. Find out how the Baillie family are achieving the highest margin/cow/day in our latest Milk Monitor results